Moving in

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With the completion of the oak floor upstairs and a flushing toilet we are able to move into the house.

We still have an enormous amount of work to do such as hanging internal doors, (and curtains), plumbing in bathrooms, installing a kitchen, commissioning the heat recovery unit, Passivhaus certification and signing off Building Regs………. not to mention the externals.

Jim is back on site this week to install the manhole covers.

We woke up early on Saturday morning excited to see the sun rise again over the coast path, and watch the many flocks of Canadian geese in perfect flight formation readying for their lengthy migration. It is so beautiful and mesmerising looking out of the window and watching the boats coming out of the harbour. The children have been occupied finding their old toys. Was it really 18 months ago we moved out? It feels like much more….

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The simple things in life………….Our views are back too 🙂




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